Monday, March 9, 2009

Loveable LACEY the Teacher!!

What a FUN time I had having Lacey, my sweet
niece come and help me with my Preschool class.
She did an awesome job with circle time and had fun
reading 2 books to the children. She kept their
attention very good. I think she would
definitely be a great teacher when she gets older!
I was so proud of her! Thank you Lacey for
helping me! I can't wait to have you help me


Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Your room does look really cute! I bet you are a great teacher. We will have to send Aubrey when she is old enough!

Kristi said...

Thanks for letting her come! She keeps asking me when she can come back! She loved being with the kids but hanging out with you was the best! Thanks for being such a wonderful sister! Love you!

heidi said...

it looks like you have such a cute preschool! i would've loved to send Dalton! :)