Monday, September 1, 2008

28 YEARS and still going strong!

It is so hard for me to imagine that we have
been married for 28 years. Where has the
time gone? I have enjoyed every minute
with David. We have shared many wonderful
memories together as a couple. Through the years
we have had tons of fun, a few trials that strenghtened
our marriage . Our children have been
our greatest blessings. They have always been such
good examples and we have always been so proud of
them. Wow, and now we are Grandparents!!

Let's go back in TIME for just a minute we were married in the Mesa, Arizona Temple
August 29, 1980.


Owen said...

You guys look the same! How neat, 28 years! Congratulations!

Kristi said...

How cute are the two of you! I love the pictures and the post turned out great! You're becoming such a pro! Happy, Happy, Anniversary! The Whetten family loves you a ton!

jana said...

You guys look amazing! I'm so glad that you found my blog! What an awesome family that you have! Handsome Missionaries! That is so cool! I remember when they were born! (My birthday of course!) Keep in touch and I love ya!