Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary Trevor and Lori

Lori holding Kelsie on her first camping trip.

Here is Kelsie's favorite wheels around the camp.

Here is Trevor and lori hiking Humphrey's Peak in Flagstaff.
14 miles round trip I'm tired just thinking about it!

Grandma watching Kelsie in the trailer.

Congratulations to Trevor and Lori
on their 2nd Anniversary today! How fast time
flies. They are such a sweet couple with a
beautiful daughter Kelsie now 7 months old.
They love spending quality time together hiking,
bike riding, camping etc... You can see that they
love being outdoors. The best part about it is
I get to watch my sweet Granddaughter while
they go out for the evening! YIPPEE!
I can't wait to see my KELSIE!


Kristi said...

Hope they had a great day! 2yrs already! Time sure flies.

Lori and Trevor said...

Thanks for the post! And thanks for watching Kelsie. You are such a good grandma! Thanks for all you do for us