Monday, December 29, 2008

San Francisco Here we come!

Here we are waiting for our cruise around the

We enjoyed watching these seals as they laid
in the sun. They were so noisy.

Shopping at Union Square

The view from our room 17th floor.

Here is David showing us the public bathroom

Touring Alcatraz

Golden Gate Bridge and lots of Sea Gulls.

Waiting for a ride on the Trolley

In our room

David and I had bought 2 tickets last year
from my sister Kathy who works for U.S Air
We could fly anywhere that
U.S Air fly's and we had a year to use
the tickets. Well, with only 3 days left
to go we decided to fly to San Francisco.
What a good choice we made.
There was never a dull moment we
were busy from sun up to sun down.
The weather was beautiful and we rode
on Trolley's, electric buses, the Bart,
and a double Decker bus. We also cruised
under the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz.
We did a lot of walking and ate at some
yummy restaurants. It was a lot of fun
spending time together. We are talking
and making plans for our next vacation.


Owen said...

HOW FUN!! All I know is how much Boston is missing his Mrs. Farnsworth!! Glad you got a little break from your little reindeers!

Melissa and Trevor said...

how much fun! I love San Fran. It is a really fun place. Glad Mrs. Farnsworth had fun and is getting ready for school to start again. TJ has been asking to go to school every day since Christmas!

Kristi said...

Looks like you had a great time! Love ya!